Sunday, September 28, 2008

Severe acne solutions homeopathic

« ...You can also purchase a juicer which you can then use to make your own fresh juices out of fruits and vegetables like carrots, celery, apples, pears, oranges and any other hard fruits and vegetables that you like and that can be eaten raw. You should use your diet to cleanse and detoxify your body so that acne causing bacteria has the least chance of surviving in the pores of your skin....
...There are two schools of thought on the relationship between acne and fast food. One school will say acne has nothing to do with fast food. I can agree with this in a small way in that acne is not caused by fast food, but it can make the skin condition worse. Doctors will tell you this, especially that high oil, high sugar foods such as soft drink and oily burgers will lead to worse acne....»
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«...When you first wash your face with lukewarm water or get out of a hot shower, your pores are wide open. This increases the chance of skin irritation from certain topical solutions containing benzoyl peroxide or retinoids like Retinol or Retin-A. Avoid the skin irritation by waiting 10-15 minutes before applying your topical solution. Your face will thank you for it and the product will still do its job....»
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tags: prescription medication for acne, anybody tried neutrogena's acne mark fading peel, how to take care of acne

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