Sunday, September 28, 2008

Acne treatment for african american skin

« ...Doctors are somewhat in disagreement about whether certain foods cause acne or not. Some doctors say diet has no affect on acne while other doctors say certain foods may influence acne. Some recent studies have shown that salt can cause acne....
...When the dead skin cells mix with the sebum and dirt on your face, they form a sticky mixture. The mixture is sticky enough to clog your pores. Poof, an acne or comedone is formed....»
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«...Unfortunately, not only teenagers can suffer from acne, adults can be affected as well. These conditions affect the social interaction of an individual, scarring not only affects the face but also the self-esteem of an individual. That is why in natural homeopathy is very crucial to treat a person in a holistic manner....»
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tags: best known home remedy for acne, how early will acne start during pregnancy, how to clear up hormonal acne

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