Saturday, September 27, 2008

How well does laser treatment work for acne scars

« ...Acne is ugly. It's a simply the truth. Acne can ruin relationships and cause self-consciousness. There are many products and programs for people with severe acne, but what if your acne isn't that bad and you can't seem to get rid of it? It can be just as troubling. Just because it isn't as bad doesn't mean it's okay. If you have moderate acne and can't get rid of it, you aren't treating it effectively....
...There are different types of acne. Find out what type of acne you have, then you can begin finding the right medications at the drugstore to use. While you are in the acne aisle at the drugstore, pick up some of those acne pads to clean your face with. They do a good job of cleansing out the infected areas....»
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«...This is the final part of this easy 3 step acne removal process. The first 2 steps above have already done most of the job in killing bacteria but there will be some left so this final step will dispose of the last bit of bacteria. Use benzoyl peroxide for this. Do this at night - rub ice over infected area to cool it and reduce the swelling and then proceed to use the benzoyl peroxide on it....»
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tags: otc acne medicine during pregnancy, do water help get rid of acne, home remedies on how to keep prevent acne

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