Saturday, September 27, 2008

Fighting acne

« ...Additionally, most bath soaps contain heavy perfumes and other additives that make them more desirable to use in the shower but more damaging to the face. Perfumes and dyes of any type are very irritating to the skin on the face....
...In some studies, experts found that stress plays a vital role in the development of cellulite. So instead of stressing about a lot of things and making your cellulite problems even worse, just sit back and relax. Take a break from your problems. It may be even a good idea to have a massage or body scrub every once in a while....»
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«...Prevention of acne is better than curing it. It is better to treat it during the onset of the condition, instead of dealing with it at its extreme stages. As the saying goes right - "The sooner the diagnosis and treatment, the shorter the healing period"....»
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tags: can dermatologist cure acne, how to cure acne on teenagers, acne scar laser

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