Saturday, September 27, 2008

Salicylic acid acne medication

« ...Oral antibiotics have been one of the widely used treatments for acne after over-the-counter treatments don't work well for ones acne problem. There are two things that oral antibiotics does against acne. It acts like an anti-inflammatory medicine and tries to annihilate bacteria in your body (This includes those bacteria that are beneficial to your body). P.acnes, the bacteria that causes acne, is destroyed in the process. ...
...Although most people associate acne with the face, back acne is also a very common form of this skin condition. Whatever symptoms you associate with acne on the face: whiteheads, blackheads, pustules and so on, you can also get on your back....»
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«...For some people, this can be a very effective way in controlling or eliminating their acne. A healthy, balanced diet increases the well being of a person, strengthening the immune system. This may in turn result in a healthier skin....»
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tags: hormone skin imbalance acne, clear mild acne, products to avoid for acne prone skin

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