Monday, August 4, 2008

Truth about acne and ways to get rid of acne fast

A natural treatment to acne cysts commonly used is tea tree oil. This should be applied only to the affected area. Remember to apply the oil using a cotton applicator instead of your fingers. Also be careful not to touch your eyes with it. Tea tree oil is known for its anti bacterial properties and has been used by many to treat acne.
Regardless of their mode of preparation, herbal teas are consumed for a variety of medicinal properties which regular tea does not deliver.
It's also a great idea to seek the help of professionals. Naturopaths have lots of vitamins, herbs and gentle cleansers that can work wonders. The very expensive prescription medicine Accutane is actually derived from plain old Vitamin A. You can absorb high doses of Vitamin A for predetermined periods under a naturopath's care, along with other vitamins and herbs and potentially clear up your skin without the side effects of Accutane, which, if you are female, can consist of birth defects in your infant should you become pregnant while taking the drug.
tags: acne medication salicylic acid, why does masterbation cause acne and sleepyness, exposed acne treatment reviews

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