Monday, August 4, 2008

How long for accutane to clear acne and have extremely bad acne

Wash yourself thoroughly but gently. Don't scrub. Scrubbing will remove too much of the skin's natural oils causing the skin glands to respond by over-producing skin oil, one of the principal causes of acne. For the same reason dry yourself with a clean towel carefully rather than vigorously. Don't use alcohol based cleaners as these will wipe out the natural skin oils leading the skin glands to react with over-production of skin oil.
Tea tree oil treatment is among the popular acne solutions, it is composed of tea tree oil or also called as melaleuca oil, this natural oil fights bacteria that causes acne and is considered to be among the leading types being practiced in the world today. It has since become a welcome alternative to a lot of over the counter drugs and skin blemish prescription brands. It is very easy to use as well, one will only need to apply tea tree oil on the affected skin and after a few weeks the acne will totally eradicated.
Apple cider vinegar is another cheap material that most kitchens have. It is found to be a great acne remedy as well. All you need to do is place some on a cotton ball and dab directly on the acne spots without rinsing. Allow the apple cider vinegar to treat your pimples overnight.
tags: best adult acne treatment, types of acne at the base of your hailine, best prescription acne medication

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