Monday, August 4, 2008

Control acne and acne skin care that really works

6. Acne Fulminas - refers to Acne Conglobata in an extreme form.
To many people, oat meal is just produced as food. But, without many of your realizing it, oatmeal can also serve different purposes. One of those is to heal acnes. It works to absorb skin oils, thus leaving your skin healthy and clean. However, just like the rest of the homemade remedies, apply only the right amount that your skin needs. Mix the oatmeal with water to create a thick paste. Apply it gently to your skin and let it stay for 10 to 20 minutes, and rinse your face with cold water after. For best results, apply the paste twice a day.
Combating acne with homemade remedies is becoming more and more popular these days as people begin to realize that many pharmaceutical acne medications are not as effective as promised and can sometimes have unpleasant side effects. In this article I you are going to discover the top three ways to treat acne naturally at home and learn why they are as good as they are.
tags: acne treatment over the counter, acne during pregnancy australia, how to use vitamin b6 for premenstrual acne or pimples

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